Researchers have found a way to use a pair of enzymes from a human gut bacterium to make Blood Type A convert as the Universal Donor Type O, as per Nature Microbiology report.
According to the expert, analyzing bacteria in a human gut have discovered that microbes there produce two enzymes that can convert blood type into a universal blood type into a Universal blood type. “If the process pans out, blood specialists suggest it could revolutionize blood donation and transfusion”, they added.
Blood is essential to life. It circulates through our body and delivers essential substances like oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells.
According to the law Republic Act 7719, also known as the National Blood Services Act of 1994 promotes voluntary blood donation that will save lives of millions of Filipinos in need of blood transfusion.
Converting the Type A blood to Type O will be beneficial from everyone especially for the hospitals and the situation of the Philippines blood supply is failing short.
“There should be an investigation conducted by the scientists or to the expert before considering it as a universal donor but that is actually a good news and if it will really happened that will be a big help for us, as stated by Ms. Felirose Uy, Quezon National High School nurse.
If the blood type A will be converted to type O blood our supply of blood would be broaden and would ease it’s shortages to our school and especially to our community.