Piggery is one of the major contributors to our Agriculture. What can happen if the health and well-being of our swordsmen is struck by a serious contagious and incurable disease?
African Swine Fever (ASF) is a type of pig disease that originates in Africa Such a disease is contagious and can be fatal if a pig develops this disease. Another alarming thing about this disease is that there is no cure for it. So pigs need to be evacuated to a contaminated area to completely eradicate the disease.
“It's scary. Although not infecting people, it can affect the daily lives of our people, ”said Alyssa Gratuito, a student at Quezon National High School (PMPQ). Some of the symptoms of the disease are swelling, redness and swelling of pigs.
According to DAI, pigs are ticking because they need heat so that they can survive the disease. Some of these causes include importation, delivery of contaminated products, and sometimes barter. According to May Magno, Chairperson of the ASF Taskforce, the barter was a possible source of the disease. Another is to bring condolences from other ASF-contaminated countries He also said the most effective way to prevent such illness is to listen to and cooperate with our government's programs and actions.
As May said, the African Swine Fever can only be avoided if our government has solidarity with the Filipino people. People's leadership should only be accompanied by people's cooperation.
Infectious diseases are widespread in other countries and some are inhumane or have not been found to cure it. One of these diseases is the African Swine Fever, a disease of pigs.
To prevent the spread of diseases in our country, the Bureau Of Industry (BAI) along with the Department of Agriculture (DOA) has implemented the BABES Protocol or five actions that should be taken not only by government officials but also by the government citizens.
Ban Import
According to the BAI and DOA, one of the possible causes of infectious diseases in our country is the importation of products that may have an infection. This is also why imports in countries with epidemics are stopped.
Avoid Swill Feeding
Swill feeding is the feeding of leftover food to farm animals. It often causes rapid spread of infectious diseases. If an animal in a given animal had an infectious disease it would definitely infect its healthy ones.
Block Entry
This action is to prevent products that may be contaminated by foreign-borne diseases. Officials block suspicious products at entry points such as airports, harbor or harbor, and back doors such as Tawi-tawi and Batanes.
Educate the People
This is the most effective way to prevent an epidemic from entering our country. Providing information or dissemination of information on ways to prevent diseases, their causes and effects, and solutions to such remedies and to no longer affect healthy and energetic animals.
Submit Samples
In each confiscated product the BAI takes a random sample so that it can be tested and analyzed. This should be done because officials can determine if a product's product is contaminated or not. These Protocols are an important component in the prevention of such epidemics. Instead, it teaches more about how the people of a country can be organized. It is up to the people to decide their actions.